Matt for Macomb

On the Issues

Jobs & Economy

The best way to make sure our families feel safe and have access to opportunity here at home is to have a county led by strong unions. Unions are the backbone of the middle class, and support our police, firefighters, teachers, auto workers, and so many others. Unions can prepare our next generation for the unique challenges of a 21st century economy. As Treasurer, I’ll ensure our kids are paid a fair wage, and that out of town corporations pay their fair share. The working families of Macomb County deserve a Treasurer that will fight for them - one that won’t turn a blind eye to businesses looking to make a quick buck off our backs.


The only way to attract and keep good paying jobs that stay in Macomb is to foster a pro-business environment, and our tax structure needs to reflect our desire for that. Businesses have to want to be here and want to stay here. As Treasurer, I’ll work hand in hand with economic development agencies and county departments to advocate to eliminate unnecessary tax burdens on Macomb businesses, to lift the burden of starting a local business, and to target tax incentives toward attracting and retaining local businesses. A thriving Macomb is one where our business community, our labor community, and government work together to develop a robust circular economy that ensures a healthy profit margin for Main Street and a fair living wage for local workers.

Families & Housing

When I was five and my brother was four, we experienced financial hardship seeking a diagnosis for my brother’s autism. Every day, there are hard working families in Macomb that have been dealt a tough hand by no fault of their own, and they need a Treasurer who will be there to listen and to serve. We need to focus our attention on providing help to those deserving families because Macomb is stronger when its families and community stay together.


Our roads continue to be some of the worst. The revenue collected from our property taxes funds local public services and infrastructure projects. As Treasurer, I’ll advocate that our hard earned tax money be spent to at least perform the most basic function of fixing our roads and improving our infrastructure through a trained Union labor force that will have the resources to do it right.

Reproductive Freedom

We have a responsibility to ensure safe and comprehensive healthcare, and that includes access to abortion and contraception. There is no negotiation on this topic. The halls of government were not and are not meant to dictate what a person does with their body. More than that, it should not deny people their god-given right to do what they want with their bodies.